• About the project

    Title: "The teacher burnout and the new educational reality as a challenge of cooperation and professional enhancement"

    Project code:  2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000031629, Duration: 2 years (28/2/2022 – 27/2/2024)

    The main purposes of this partnership are to strengthen teachers occupational profile with professional development opportunities, establish a positive and stress-free working environment, favor students development, create innovative structures within educational complexes and organization, increase educational institutions capacity and readiness, effectively manage the shift to digital education, foster understanding and trust among students from different societies, develop international cooperation and conflict management skills, and solidarity.

    Applicant Organisation: 4th GEL Rodou 🇬🇷

    ICON Educational Institution 🇬🇷, 

    Joniškio rajono Švietimo įstaigų vadovų asociacija 🇱🇹, 

    Liceo Scientifico Statale N. Copernico 🇮🇹, 

    Fyllingsdalen videregående skole 🇳🇴, 

    Umbrella Educational Institution 🇬🇦, 

    Panteion University 🇬🇷

    Learn more about the project by visiting our website: https://blogs.sch.gr/teacherburnout/ ;

Site announcements

Welcome to the Teacher Burnout portal!

by Kostas Karpouzis -

This is where you can find learning material developed or curated by the project partners. You can earn points by participating in the portal activities and sharing your daily experiences (check out the Diary course!)

Available courses

While exhaustion can be overcome with rest and a short vacation, burnout needs you to focus on strategies that will have a deeper impact, and create lasting change.

All partners have organized multiplier events to present the objectives, the activities and the results of this project. All multiplier events tried to include all target groups, such as teachers, parents, policy makers etc.

The Internal Policy Plan acts as a roadmap that showcases an institution's commitment to adhering to best practices, ensuring compliance and fostering a conducive environment for education and collaboration.

The compilation of the Internal Policy Plan was carried out by each partner separately during the first semester of project implementation. Each partner was free to design their own specific Internal Policy Plan, but it was based on objectives agreed upon in an online meeting of the partners. To achieve this, a guideline Internal Policy Plan was made and each partner made the adjustments they deemed necessary, depending on the actions they wished to implement.

This Erasmus project includes schools and educational organizations as partners in order to collaborate on the production of educational material, its implementation and dissemination to the public.

International literature confirms that teachers are a vulnerable group in terms of burnout, as their profession is particularly demanding and stressful.

In this course you can find information about work stress and teacher burnout.

The questionnaire aims to study the levels of stress experienced by teachers
from the five partner countries of the Erasmus+ project and to find factors that can predict burnout.
It also aims to correlate the factors that cause work stress with demographic/individual characteristics of teachers.
The questionnaires were answered in January 2023

Teaching scenarios developed by the project partners.

Descriptions of sustainability plans and tips for a sustainable future.

Our LTTA took place in Bergen, Norway during the week 18 - 22 September 2023. We were hosted by Fyllingsdalen High School. 

All outputs were presented and evaluated.

We also made plans about the following months, the dissemination and the sustainability of our project.

Start collecting your daily experiences; you can also add emojis and/or emotion tags to show the emotions you experienced.